Create Meg #57 from Lucy
Updated: Jan 18
The vintage Children’s Corner Meg pattern is a classic a-line dress with an inverted pleat in the front and the back. This adaptation uses the Children’s Corner Lucy pattern to recreate Meg. The 2019 version of Lucy is used in this tutorial.
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Pattern: Lucy Fabric: Always in Season Red by Riley Blake Piping: Gingham Royal Lining: Royal Gingham by Fabric Finders
Buttons: 1/2" Shiny Royal Buttons *Available at while supplies last.
Children's Corner Lucy
Piping and buttons
Tracing paper and ruler
Fabric Requirements per chart below

1. If using an older version of Lucy consider adding 1 inch of length to the dress to allow for separate 1 inch hems on the dress and lining.
2. Cut out Front Dress lining and Back Dress lining from the Lucy pattern with no pleat modifications.
3. Cut a length of tracing paper that is the full length of the Front Dress pattern piece. Draw a long line parallel to one edge of the tracing paper 3 inches from the edge for sizes 6mo-3, and 4 inches from the edge for sizes 4-6.
4. Place the Dress Front pattern piece on top of the tracing paper lining up the center front with the drawn line. Draw the pattern onto the tracing paper and transfer all pattern markings. Label the center edge “center front line”.
5. Make a dot 3 inches down from the neck edge at the center front line.
6. Divide the space between the drawn pattern and the paper edge in half and draw another parallel line. Label this line as “pleat folded edge”.
7. Flip over the Dress Front pattern piece (wrong side up), and line up the center front of the pattern piece with the “center front line” again. Extend the lower hem line over to the paper edge. Draw the neck curve stopping at the “pleat folded edge” line.
8. Flip the Lucy Pattern piece back over with right side up. Move the Front Dress pattern piece over to the edge of the paper, and continue the neck curve from the “pleat folded edge” to the paper edge. Label the edge of the paper “center pleat--cut on fold”.
9. Cut out Front Dress and transfer pattern markings and dot. Starting at the neck edge mark a line at the center front extending down to the dot. Also make a mark at the top of the center pleat line on the fold.
10. Fold the Front Dress in half right sides together along the center pleat line. Stitch along the line from the neck edge to the dot. Backstitch at the dot.
11. Open up dress and lay flat. Line up the center front stitched line with the center pleat line on the dress. Press the inverted pleat flat so that pleats are even on both sides. Baste pleats at neck edge in place with a scant ¼ in seam allowance.
12. Repeat process for back dress.
13. Construct dress per pattern instructions. Dress lining will not have pleats. Hem skirts separately as per pattern instructions.
Instructions by Melissa Sansom

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