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Tree Pocket

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Kids love having a pocket to rest their little fingers or to hide away treasures they find throughout their day. Sewing for them, it is fun when we can make that pocket a focal point. This cute heart works year round to show off your love for her. Learn more about the pictured look here.


1. Cut out one tree trunk rectangle using the pattern provided.

2. Cut out two Christmas trees using the pattern provided.

3. Apply fusible interfacing to the wrong side of one tree. The one with interfacing will be the top layer of the tree. Transfer dots on the tree edge to the top side of the tree. If desired transfer scalloped markings from the pattern to your tree, or you may choose to draw them in with a scallop ruler or using the edge of a cup.

4. You can choose to decorate the swags of your tree with decorative hand or machine stitches or ricrac. Part of the fun of this pocket is making it your own… just like a real Christmas tree.

5. For a machine feather stitch (like the sample), set your machine for the desired stitch and follow the markings you made with your presser foot to complete the swags. At this point you can “decorate” the middle of the tree (but not the edges) with various buttons or you can wait until the pocket is sewn to the dress to decorate.

6. Place your tree pieces right sides together and stitch using a 1/4" seam leaving a 1” opening along the side of the tree opposite the dots. Clip curve and trim corners. Turn right sides out and press well.

7. The tree pocket should be centered at the level of the center point of the side seam and a little more than halfway from the side seam towards the center front on the child’s right hand side. Apply Wonder Under to wrong side of tree trunk. Iron it in place to dress front.

8. Stitch/applique the tree trunk to the dress front using a zig zag with a width of 5 and a length of 0.5.

9. Pin the tree onto the dress front overlapping the top edge of the trunk.

10. Stitch the tree to the dress 1/16” from the edge starting at the lower dot, pivoting at all corners and ending at the top dot. The space between the dots is your pocket opening.

11. Continue to decorate your tree with various buttons if desired. Your little one may have fun helping you with this part as well.

Instructions by Melissa Sansom

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