Long Sleeve Eleanor with Ruffle
Updated: Nov 11, 2023
The princess seams in the Eleanor pattern provide a great place to add a ruffle! We swapped out the short sleeve for the Allie long sleeve for a new look that is forever classic! Featuring the pointed collar in a crisp pique and accent buttons in a bright red (with shoes & a bow to match of course!).
Shop the Look
Pattern: Eleanor, View A and Allie Long Sleeve
Fabric: Navy Plaid by Hugo Boss (Sevenberry Pepper Plaid by Robert Kaufman would also work great!) Collar Fabric: White Pique by Fabric Fabrics Front Buttons: Size 24 Plastic Buttons Red Back Buttons: Size 18 Plastic Buttons Navy
*Available at childrenscornerstore.com while supplies last.
Children’s Corner Eleanor pattern View A
Children's Corner Allie Long Sleeve Tracing paper
Extra 1/4 yd fabric for long sleeve

Cutting Instructions
2. Use Allie long sleeve. Fold pleats over to narrow sleeves at wrists. Cut sleeves 1.5" longer than pattern piece.
3. Cut 2 ruffle strips according to chart above.
1. Transfer all marks from pattern pieces to fabric.
2. Fuse a 1" wide strip of light weight interfacing to the wrong side of the back edge of the dress from the neckline to the large dot.
3. Taper each end of the ruffles by cutting a gentle curve starting 2" from the ends.
4. Finish one straight edge of ruffles using a rolled hem or tiny hem. Press.
5. Stitch a gathering stitch 1/8” from the ruffle curved edge and again 3/8” from the edge.
6. Stitch shoulder seam of the center front with the two center backs with right sides together. Stitch the shoulder seams of the front sides to the back sides. Be sure these pieces are clearly marked on fabric.
7. Gather the ruffle by pulling the bobbin threads at each end to fit between the lowest tab marks on the front and back. as you pin, the ends of each ruffle will have fewer gathers so that the edging will lay flat without cupping up. Stitch in place.
8. Follow steps 1-9 on Eleanor.
9. Follow steps 13-16 on Eleanor.
10. Skip to step 29 follow 29-35.
11. Hem sleeve with 1" hem.
Adaptation by
Cathy Jones

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