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Tech Support: Layered PDF Patterns

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

You've probably landed here because you need some technical guidance- we've got you covered! If you are new to Layered PDF patterns, the best news is once you do this the first time you will be set for all your future Children's Corner layered patterns! The best place to start would be to watch this tutorial video below. Keep scrolling for written instructions.

Access Your Digital Content

There are 2 ways to access your digital content: a link from your email or in your digital library inside your account.

1. Upon completing a purchase for digital content from our website, look for a second email from us called "Access Your Digital Files." This will include a link to access your content for that order.

2. *RECOMMENDED* Easily access all your digital content and purchase history by creating an account through our website. Use the same email for all of your digital purchases so your content will all be in one place. Once you are signed in, click on the "My Digital Library" button to see all of your digital purchases. See 0:30 in the video for further explanation.

Layered PDF Patterns

Adobe Reader is required for layers technology. Download it for free at Other PDF reader applications may not accurately display or print the pattern file. Mobile devices, although compatible with Adobe Reader, will not display your pattern properly. Also, please note you do not have the “print layer option” on your mobile device. Please view and print your pattern from a computer.


After accessing your e-mail link or viewing your "Digital Library," click on the pattern file to download. Download and save the pattern file to your computer. The download file link will only allow 5 download attempts of your file. Once you download your file, it is helpful to locate your file. On most computers, it will likely be downloaded by default to your Downloads folder. Once you have downloaded your file, it is up to you to save your file in a safe place. We recommend backing up your files regularly.

Layers A layered pattern means you can select only the size/s you would like to print. Layers make it much less confusing to cut out the pattern, eliminate the need to trace, and save printer ink. Click the LAYERS option to reveal the list of LAYERS available in the file. If you are having trouble finding your LAYERS, look on the left or right side of your screen and click on the 3 stacked squares icon. Click on the arrow next to the pattern name to expand the list of options. If an “eyeball” symbol appears next to the LAYER name, that LAYER is visible. If no “eyeball” is present, that LAYER is hidden; clicking the “eyeball” will turn the LAYER on or off. In addition to a LAYER labeled “Leave On,” turn on the LAYER with the size pattern you wish to print.

Scaling & Printing

Home Printer

Click the printer symbol. From the printing dialog box, set the page scale to “100%” or “Actual Size”. Set page orientation to “auto portrait/landscape”. Set page size to 8.5” x 11” (or A4) paper for home printing. Type in the desired page range to print. Refer to the PRINTING INDEX in your instructions to determine the pages you need to print for the instructions and pattern size. *There is currently a known Adobe Reader glitch where layers are not printing correctly. To solve, UNCHECK Save Ink/Toner option in the Printer Dialog box.

Print Shop

You also have the option to print the pattern file at a print shop capable of printing 36” wide paper. Refer to the PRINT SHOP PRINTING INDEX in your instructions to know the correct page number based on the pattern size you wish to print. Pages are also available in A0 printing format for customers located outside the U.S. Refer to the INTERNATIONAL PRINTING INDEX for these page numbers.


You will also find a PATTERN ASSEMBLY diagram showing you how to layout the printed pages. The larger pattern pieces will cover multiple pages and need to be taped together aligning the spool symbol and circle with “match letters” at each corner on each page. It is helpful to trim or fold back the bottom and right margin of each page and overlap the pieces. Finish taping together and you're ready to sew!

Digital Content Policy

Our digital products are for the private, noncommercial use of the original purchaser only. This pattern or video may not be stored electronically in a publicly-accessible location or transmitted electronically. The images, design and other aspects of this pattern are copyright © Children’s Corner. No part of this video, design or pattern may be reproduced in any form.

Click the printer icon below for printable version.

Children's Corner Store and Patterns

Celebrating the art of sewing since 1978, we are focused on classic and contemporary children’s clothing trends as well as quality sewing materials and instruction. 

The Corner Stitch: A Blog by the Children's Corner Store

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