New Way to Hem Lucy
Updated: Jun 5, 2023
In the 2019 revision of the Lucy pattern, we put all sizes in one package and released in print and digital format. One of the changes we made was to offer an alternate way to hem the Lucy dress where the lining is hemmed separately from the dress. If you are working from the original version of the Lucy pattern, you can make these slight variations to achieve the same method.

How do I know if I am using the original or revised Lucy?

1. Lengthen Lucy dress and lining by 1".
2. When you get to the final steps of construction, stitch a line 1/4” from the bottom edge of the dress using stitch length of 4mm starting and stopping at each side seam leaving thread tails long. Turn under and press the bottom edge of the dress along the stitching line to the inside of the dress.
3. Turn under 1” hem to inside of dress while gently pulling the bobbin threads to ease in the extra fullness. Press. Topstitch 1/8” from top of hem, or sew a blind hem.
4. Hem lining using same method, except turn lining under 1¼”, so the lining will not hang below the dress. Press. Topstitch 1/8” from top of hem.

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