Learn to Sew: Must Have Supplies
Updated: Jun 14, 2023
These are must have basic sewing supplies to get you started on your sewing journey. You will need these items as you begin to start sewing. Find these products on our website.
Cording — ideal for making petite piping to help seams look finished or to provide a decorative contrast.
Fabric Marking Pen — a tool that allows you to temporarily mark the placement of pattern pieces, stitching lines and other design elements.
Glass Head Pins — hold pattern pieces in place and anchors seam allowances as you sew. The benefit of the glass head makes it easy to see, and won’t melt when touched with an iron.
Measuring Tape — a flexible ruler used to measure size or distance.
Needles — universal machine needs or a crewel hand needle are the most useful needles for beginners.
Pin Cushion — a place to store pins. A magnetic version allows for most convenience while you sew.
Point Turner — a tool that helps turn seams in tight limited spaces like a collar point.
Seam Ripper — a small sewing tool used for cutting and removing stitches. The head is usually forked with a cutting surface situated at the base of the fork. One side of the fork tapers to a sharp point to allow easier insertion in tight stitching.
Sewing Gauge — a ruler (typically 6 inches long) that is metal and marked in both inches and centimeters with a sliding pointer, great for marking hems.
Sewing Machine — a quality machine and a dealer that you can trust to help with maintenance are important things to consider when investing in a machine. There are many brands to consider. Don't worry, you can certainly find one with more bells and whistles than the machine above in this cute vintage photo.
Scissors — important to dedicate scissors just for sewing to keep them as sharp and useful as possible.
Safety Pins — useful for inserting elastic into a casing.
Thread — polyester thread in a white or off-white color is the most useful thread.

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