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GiGi Pattern Correction

Pattern Correction: GiGi #263 (out of print)

These corrections apply to the GiGi pattern


The following instructions need to be clarified:

Blouse Construction

Step 3. Turn under front facings on foldline and press. Note: If you do not wish to use selvage edge place pattern piece on fabric 1/4” from selvage and add a 1/4” seam allowance at the “Place on Selvage” edge. Then turn under this raw edge 1/4” and press. Topstitch in place. Then turn under facing on foldline and press The #3 illustration goes with the method where you do not use the selvage edge.

Step 6. Cut a 1” bias band 11 –12” long. Fold back facing to right side on blouse on top of collar.. Place bias band on top of collar extending it over facing 1/4”. Stitch across facing, bias band, and other facing at neckline. Trim seam and turn bias band and facing to wrong side of blouse. Turn under raw edge of bias and whip in place.

Contrasting leg band pattern piece is for an ungathered pants leg. If gathered,please take off 2” from band, tapering the end just like the pattern.

Sorry for this inconvenience. The Children’s Corner

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