Color Block Eleanor
Updated: Jun 3, 2023
I believe Eleanor will be a classic for sure. Those sewing for little girls and for bigger girls will certainly be able to use this pattern to create all kinds of classic looks. I have always loved an apron on a little girl and am excited that there is a new option for creating something with those same lines for all sizes now.
I chose to change up this pattern in a very simple way by making a color block version. It was an easy modification of fabric choice and cutting layout using the View A version of the pattern. When choosing fabrics for this look it is best to stick with fabrics of similar weight and the same fiber content. I chose two fabrics in the same line but different colors. This dress turned out to be a big hit with my 10-year-old, and I see more versions of Eleanor in our future!
Children’s Corner Eleanor pattern View A Coordinating fabric – 1/2 yard (sizes 6mo-24mo) 3/4 yard (sizes 3-6) 1 yard (sizes 7-14) * this is in addition to the fabric requirements.
Cutting Instructions
1. Cut the sleeves, side fronts, side backs, and tabs from the main fabric.
2. Cut the center front and center back from the contrast fabric.
3. Construction of the dress was completed exactly according to the pattern instructions with extra care used on step 11 to ensure the contrasting fabrics at the princess seams matched exactly at the shoulder seams.
Adaptation by
Melissa Sansom

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