Bishop Pattern Correction
Pattern Correction: Bishop #3
These corrections only apply to the revised Bishop pattern released in August 2017. If your pattern was printed prior to 2017, your pattern is in a paper printed envelope. The revised version has navy and aqua branding as seen in the image below.
1. The X’s were not included on the short puff sleeve piece in the first printing of the new Bishop pattern. Start and stop your gathering threads 1” from the underarm seam.
Cover - Fabric Requirements
1. The fabric requirements for a size 2 with 60” wide fabric should read 1 ¾. This error may be found on some of the covers from the first printing; however, many were corrected with a sticker.
2. If you do not have right amount of fabric you can try to flip your pieces if your fabric does not have a nap, but you will still need 1/3 yard for short sleeves.
3. Reduce fullness in dress front & back by moving piece over fold/selvage up to 1” to get pieces to fit side by side
4. Buy another 3/4 yard of fabric for one dress length.
1. Revised armband lengths for the short sleeve finished with a bias band. Cut armband using same width and revised armband lengths below. These lengths include seam allowances.
Click the printer icon below for printable version.